Dog Toys (Part Two) – Safety

We recently shared a story on Facebook about a tragic situation involving a rope toy. A pet parent was devastated after their dog shredded the toy, ingesting long pieces of it that ended up causing the dog to pass away. While this situation isn’t necessarily common, it is something that can happen. We wanted to provide some safety tips when … Read More

Dog Toys (Part One)

Did you know that many behavioral problems in dogs are the result of boredom or excess energy? Not only do toys offer physical stimulation, they’re enriching for the mind! If your dog is digging, chewing on furniture, shoes, etc. the right toy might just be the ticket to a happy dog and a relaxed pet owner. There are different types … Read More

Congratulations Dr. Rory Applegate!

Congratulations to Dr. Rory Applegate for passing her boards in Internal Medicine! She has joined the ranks of our other board-certified veterinarians at Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center. But what does “board-certified” mean? A board-certified veterinary specialist is a veterinarian who, after veterinary school, completes an internship and a minimum of two to three additional years of intense training in … Read More

Safe Summers with Your Dog

Summer is a wonderful time of year! Long days, warm nights, fun road trips… and of course you want to take your best friend with you! Your dog is always ready for your next adventure. As fantastic as it is to have your pup with you all the time, there are many things you should consider during these hot months. … Read More

Cats: Scratching Posts

Do cats need scratching posts? The short answer is “yes”. If you want to save your furniture from an untimely destruction, it’s important to pick the right scratching post(s)! You might like the aesthetic of a scratching post, but your cat might not. A little research can go a long way to getting a post that your cat will actually … Read More

SOVSC and your Primary Veterinarian

Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center is a referral based, surgery and emergency care animal hospital. We encourage you to form a relationship with a primary care veterinarian in your area. A primary care veterinarian for your pet is similar to your own primary care doctor. Preventative care is important and there are many issues and illnesses that your primary care … Read More

Please Welcome Dr. Rory Applegate!

Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center is excited to welcome a new member of the Internal Medicine Team: Dr. Rory Applegate. Her multi-faceted approach to internal medicine, genuine connection with clients and patients, and professionalism are great assets to our team. She graduated from Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2011, and subsequently went on to a small animal rotating … Read More

How are we Doing at SOVSC?

We are not your primary veterinarian, but we are here for you when you need a specialist or have an emergency. We know that it can be very stressful when you’re in that kind of situation, and we do our best to make it as easy and calming as possible for both you and your pet. We have a prioritization … Read More

Please Welcome Dr. John Davies!

Here at Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center, we are excited to welcome our newest surgeon, Dr. John Davies! In 2001, he graduated from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Three years later, he attended Ontario Veterinary College and graduated with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. After a series of internships and medical … Read More