Pet allergist

Just like people, your pets can have allergies too! At Southern Oregon Veterinary Specialty Center, we are committed to ensuring your pet is happy and healthy! Environmental allergens can hinder your favorite companion from acting like themselves. Chronic skin and ear infections can be a direct result of not only food allergies, but often can be from environmental allergies. Intradermal allergy testing can help diagnose these allergens. Our dermatology service will work hard to identify and treat a variety of skin conditions.

Through different tests, our team of experts can help to identify the source of your pet’s allergies and determine the most effective treatment for them. There are different ways we can treat your canine or feline companion, such as a blood test to check for antigen-induced antibodies or a patch skin test.

If your pet is having chronic, uncomfortable skin issues that don’t seem to be responding to your current treatment, turn to SOVSC for a consultation today!